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Famous Motivational and Inspirational Quotes

jeudi 28 février 2008

Bill Gates's question on LinkedIn

How can we do more to encourage young people to pursue careers in science and technology?

I want to share to you my think about it.

Excellent and interesting question. But the question is so waste because it's concerning all of the young people around the world. I'm trying to give my think about it. We limit this discussion to such science as computer science for example and to any continent but it also available to others sciences obviously. Everybody dreams having great life but If science destroy life means the science development computer raising down the number of employment means raising up the strike number. The young people have no more interest to purse any career on it. I don't give details, that's clear I think!
- measure space
- count population number
- calculate natality number/sec
- calculate teenager number/country
- calculate adult or employee by science career number/country
- calculate mortality number/country
get the relation between those datas.
And if you can give the concrete example to any year that there are some post create or post free to any career in science at x time. The population verify this information if its really attainable for any year. Sure, the parents explain and motivate their children to pursue science career. And the young people have a big motivated to pursue career on it.
Don't forget!
Science career doesn't involved without literaty career. So both must sharing interest!!!

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